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Delivering Nutrition

We are pleased to debut updated versions of Food Bank’s ‘Food Dating Guide’ – now available in Spanish and Chinese.

Food Dating Guide - English

Food Dating Guide - Spanish

Food Dating Guide - Chinese

Few things have more impact than nutrition on a child’s ability to survive, learn effectively and escape a life of poverty.”

– Ann Veneman

Poverty often limits the choices a family can make for the dinner table and is linked to many diet-related diseases. Food Bank provides both the education and nutritious options needed by charities and schools that serve our city’s most vulnerable.  With 1 out of 6 children in NYC relying on soup kitchens and pantries for dinner, it’s imperative that comprehensive services be provided, ensuring health and wellness from the cradle through college and beyond.

Food Bank delivers Nutrition Education in 2 distinct ways:

In Schools

CookShop & Campus Pantries

Food Bank offers curriculum and resources to NYC public schools via our Cookshop Program. Campus Pantries* allow access to food and personal care items at schools and college campuses citywide.

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In Communities

Workshops for Familes

Food Bank’s team of Nutritionists support healthy food selection and preparation by charity leaders while also providing hands on instruction on food use and exposure for the families we serve.

*Contact us here to sign-up your school (K-12) as a Campus Pantry site or to find a Campus Pantry near you.

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