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Meet the Pinos: A Family Feeding Families

For husband-and-wife duo Jorge and Melissa Pino, working together at Food Bank For New York City has always felt natural. Together, they have empowered thousands of New York families by providing them access to healthy food. Both Jorge and Melissa grew up facing food insecurity.

“I come from a family that immigrated from Peru. Being a first generation [American] of Colombian parents, I understand the struggle of growing up without enough food,” shared Jorge Pino, Member Engagement Coordinator. “Now that I’m older, [I realize] my parents likely went hungry giving me their portion to make sure I was well cared for.”

Witnessing their parents’ sacrifices firsthand fueled their passion to give back and uplift families facing similar struggles.

“Something I observed from my mom was helping others,” said Melissa Pino, Senior Manager of the Mobile Pantry. “When I came to Food Bank, I knew this was my calling. I wanted to empower women, parents, and moms, and educate them about the resources Food Bank for New York City provides.” 

As soon as their children were old enough, they began volunteering too, carrying the lessons from their civic-minded parents into the next generation. 

“When [our son] Aiden started volunteering, he was surprised to see how many kids were in line with their parents,” Melissa said. Aiden added, “I decided to help more kids, to give them what every other kid has.” 

Explore ways you can volunteer to help feed families in New York City!

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