Solving food insecurity across our five boroughs requires more than food alone. And that’s where you come in.

Maximize your impact in the fight against food insecurity across New York City as a member of Food Bank’s Five Boroughs Society, an exclusive group of our most dedicated supporters. Just as the five points of the Liberty crown in our logo represent our five boroughs, the increased support provided by the Five Boroughs Society helps our mission to reach more New Yorkers in need across our city. The Five Boroughs Society comprises three tiers and has access to a variety of exclusive Food Bank opportunities, including special events and behind-the-scenes experiences.
The impact of your partnership as a Five Boroughs Society member is felt in nearly every community across New York City. Together, we are leading the fight against food insecurity, and we cannot scale back now – not with so many of our neighbors in need.
Your increased commitment will support our ability to:
Provide More Meals
To more New Yorkers in need
You’ll help us provide nourishing meals, with fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables, wholesome proteins, and other culturally appropriate options, for our neighbors who need them across the five boroughs.
Strengthen Our Fleet
With more FNBYC trucks + driver
You’ll help Food Bank strengthen our truck fleet to deliver more meals to more New Yorkers, safely and efficiently.
Grow Our Mobile Pantry
And pop-up distribution program
You’ll support the expansion of our Pop-Up Distributions and Mobile Pantry Program to bring vital meals and resources directly to the communities that need them most.
Add Campus Pantries
For students and families in need
You’ll support the addition of new Campus Pantry sites to provide meals and more to NYC students, and their families, in need.
Expand Tax & SNAP Services
To provide greater income support
You’ll help provide economic empowerment services in the form of SNAP benefits, income tax prep, and financial coaching for New Yorkers struggling to make ends meet.
Strengthen Our Fleet
By prioritizing access to basic needs
You’ll help ensure our most vulnerable neighbors, from children to seniors, have greater access to the food they need to survive… with dignity.
1.6 million New York City residents are experiencing food insecurity right now. That’s 1.6 million opportunities to make a real difference in the life of a fellow New Yorker. But don’t just take our word for it…
Hyacinth, Bronx
Chef Sheri, Manhattan
George, Staten Island
Pedro, Queens
Alexander, Brooklyn
Salimah, Bronx
Lanese, Manhattan
San San, Queens
Mae, Brooklyn
Kelly, Manhattan
Food Bank is grateful for all the ways that our Five Boroughs Society members partner with us to fight food insecurity across New York City. While giving is its own reward, below are some of the ways we’re proud to recognize your generosity. For questions about giving or Society benefits, please contact our Leadership Giving Concierge at 212.566.7855 ext. 8323.
The name Empire Partners represents the sustainable impact you can make for one of our five boroughs with cumulative annual gifts starting at $1,000 or more. Just as the Empire State Building is located in one borough, but stands as a symbol for our entire city, your investment will shine like a beacon of hope from one borough for all to see.
Your Empire Partners Circle benefits include:
- Acknowledgment in our Annual Impact Report.
- Recognition on our Five Boroughs Society Virtual Donor Wall, updated quarterly.
- A personal 10% discount code to the Food Bank For New York City online store.
- Special invitations and opportunities to engage with other Food Bank For New York City donors and team members.

The name Bridge Builders represents the cross-borough impact you’ll create for our city with your increased cumulative annual investment of $10,000 or more. Just as New York City’s iconic bridges connect one borough to another, your gift will connect more New Yorkers to the resources they need to overcome food insecurity.
Your Bridge Builders Circle benefits include:
- All Empire Partner benefits, plus:
- A personal 15% discount code to the Food Bank For New York City online store.
- Special invitations and opportunities to engage with other Food Bank For New York City donors and team members like a group tour of the Community Kitchen & Pantry and Food Bank’s warehouse.

The name Skyline Circle represents the citywide impact you’ll create when giving at our highest tier with cumulative annual gifts of $50,000 or more. Just as New York City’s skyline encompasses the dynamic beauty of our city, your generous gift will allow our mission to cover more ground, provide more meals, deploy more innovations, and serve more hungry New Yorkers than ever before.
Your Skyline Circle benefits include:
- All Empire Partner and Bridge Builder benefits, plus:
- A personal 20% discount code to the Food Bank For New York City online store.
- Special invitations for personalized, curated opportunities with Food Bank For New York City leadership, including mission tours – a “look behind the veil” at our work at the Community Kitchen and Food Pantry, our warehouse, and a member agency site – and volunteer experiences helping to pack or serve meals to the community.

We are grateful to our Five Boroughs Society members for choosing to strengthen their commitment to the fight against food insecurity. Thanks to the support of friends like you, Food Bank launched an emergency response last fiscal year that continues to serve our city amid the ongoing crisis. Learn more about our 2021 impact in our Annual Impact Report.
Allison Aaron
Lucy Aaron
Jodie and Melvyn Aaronson
Diane and Arthur Abbey
Michelle Abbey
The Abbott and Leslie Sprague Family Foundation
Reema Abdelhamid
Mohamad Abdulhadi
Zaineb Abdul-Nabi
Andrew and Anne Abel
Barbara Ann Abeles
Abdullah Abonamah
The Abraham I. & Jean Sherr Foundation, Inc.
Ariel Abrahams
Eric Abrahamson and Valerie Campbell
Courtney Abrams
Carrie C. Abramson and Leigh J. Abramson
Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc.
John Ackerman
Peter W. Ackerman
Susan and Leonard Aconsky
John Dinsmore Adams, Jr.
William B. Adams
Dr. Walter Adamson and Dr. Lauren Adamson
Ingrid A. Adamsons
Morris Adjmi
Jerome Adler
Joan and Karl Adler
Barry and Betsy Adler
Grigor Agabekian
Rosie Aghazadian Potamkin
Jeff Agosta
Margarita Aguilar
Roberto Aguirre, Sr.
Shakil Ahmed
Mohamed and Laura Ahmed
Soyoun Ahn
Barbara and Todd Albert
Scott Albrecht
Rosa Maria Albuquerque
Hope Aldrich
Robert J. Alexander
Sultan Alfaisal
Martha Alfaro
Barbara Ellen Aliza
Hadeel Alkhairw
Peter J. Allar
Cedric Allen
Julie Allen
Benjamin Allison
Tara Allport
Mark Almeida
Denise and Eugene Alms
Peter Alomar
E. Miriam and Barry Alperin
Danya Al-Qattan
The Al-Sawwaf Family Foundation
Daisy & Stewart Alter
Lauren Altholz
Steve Altman
Sofia Alvarez
Richard Alverzo
The Alyce Gross Family Fund
Lucien Alziari
Robert L. Amdur
Eugenia and David Ames
C. Christine Amirian
Dr. Dima Amso
Ilene and David Amster
Ananda Fund
Susan Anastasio
Stephen Anderberg
Janel Anderberg Callon
Beth Anderson
Christina Anderson
David Anderson
Elaine A. Anderson
JoAnn Anderson
Kristina Anderson
Neal T. Anderson
O. Roger Anderson
Anderson-Rogers Foundation
Andreas and Shirley Kramvis Foundation
Andrew Sabin Family Foundation
Sarah Angelini
Justin Angermeyer
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation
Anne Claire Lester Foundation
Adnan Ansari
Kristopher Antonelli
Steve Antonio
Nisha Aoyama
Susan Appel
The Applebaum Foundation
Daniel Applegarth
Aryea Aranoff
Meredith K. Arendt
Catherine & Joseph Aresty Foundation
Edward Armas
Lee Armstrong
Phillip S. Armstrong
Robert Arnay
Gail S. Aronow
Diane Aronson
Maria Arriaga
Susan B. Arroyo
Brian Arthur
Angela Arthurs
Elvin Arvelo
Raj Asava
Reid L. Ashinoff
Hasan Askari
Audrey Asparuhov
Jessica Asrat
Virginia P. Atkins
L. Kelly Atkinson, Jr.
Liz Atlas
Elizabeth Atsalis
Ernest K. Au
David Auburn
Kenneth August
Mimi B. Austensen
Dan Avallone
David Avergun
Barbara L. Axel
Join our Five Boroughs Society to have your name featured on our Virtual Donor Wall.